Quaker faith is based on experience of a “transforming power named many ways: the Inner Light, the Spirit of Christ, the Guide, the Living God, the Divine Presence”
In meeting for worship, we sit silently, opening our hearts and quieting our minds to allow ourselves to experience our “Inner Light,” that of God within us. There is no clergy to lead the group and there is no liturgy or outward ceremony.
When someone in meeting for worship senses an inspiration, or “leading,” from the “Inner Light,” he or she stands to share this message with all assembled. Friends allow a period of silence between messages for people to digest, contemplate, and reflect upon what has been shared. Meeting for worship centers on the group effort to uncover the Light within, to share it, and to be inspired to live by it.
Vocal sharing in meeting for worship is spontaneous, as Quakers do not plan what they want to say before gathering for meeting. Each meeting for worship is a spiritual adventure.
We invite you to share it with us.
The children of our Meeting are cherished. Sunday school at a Quaker Meeting is called "First Day School." Willistown Friends Meeting welcomes children of all ages to join in the many First Day School activities led by our inspiring teachers, and assisted by the adults in our community who give generously of their time and talents. Children are taught about Quaker beliefs and testimonies, including simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and stewardship, as well as learning Old and New Testament Bible stories. We take full advantage of our beautiful outdoor surroundings for activities and play.
Each Sunday we gather after Meeting for Worship for social time. We share coffee, snacks and good conversation in our warm and inviting social room. The children join us or play outside. We often host potluck luncheons and suppers - festive events where we share a meal and have discussions on selected topics. Christmastime and Easter are also occasions for the community to celebrate together.
The Willistown Friends Meeting House was built in 1798. Quakers worshiped here even before that date. The present two-story social room and classrooms were added in 1956.
We have completed construction of our new, welcoming entrance, which provides handicapped access to all levels of the Meeting House.