Welcome to Willistown Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. We are known as “Quakers” or “Friends.”  Quakers believe that there is that of God in every person.  When Friends worship, we seek to experience God within ourselves, in our relationships with each other, and in our every day lives.

We invite you to attend worship in our tradition of silence, where Friends settle peacefully together to attend to “the light of God within.”  Children join us for the first 15 minutes of meeting for worship, then the littlest children are cared for in our Nursery while the older children participate in our vibrant Sunday school program.

Meeting for worship begins at 10am and ends at 11am each Sunday.  Hospitality, when we gather together for refreshments and conversation, follows meeting for worship.

All are welcome.

Since Quaker Meetings do not have a minister, the members of the Meeting, and those who attend Meeting for Worship on a regular basis (knows as "Attenders"), carry out all of the programs of the Meeting through a group of active committees: pastoral care, ministry, work on social concerns, oversight of the Meeting's finances, and programming for children are all tended to through these committees. 


Maintaining a caring and nurturing community is a ministry shared by everyone in a Quaker Meeting. At Willistown Friends Meeting our Care and Counsel committee provides the leadership for sustaining our community as a caring place and provides support for individuals and families in times of special need or transition. 


The spiritual life of our Meeting is guided by our Worship and Ministry committee. This committee suggests thoughtful topics for discussion, readings to inspire spiritual growth, and opportunities for group discussions for our community members. They guide and tend to the quality of our experience during Meeting for Worship, lending Spiritual advice and counsel when sought or needed.


Those in the Meeting who are called to activism find many opportunities to serve through our Peace and Social Action committee. Such activities include supporting a local food bank or shelter, working for peace with like-minded organizations, assisting non-profits to fulfill community needs, joining with others to raise awareness of environmental issues, or getting involved in political work with Friends Committee on National Legislation.


Sunday School at a Quaker Meeting is called "First Day School." Our First Day School committee guides the religious education of the children in our Meeting. This committee organizes, oversees and assesses the success of the religious education curriculum, materials and programs for the Meeting's children and teenagers. The committee provides the teachers and teacher support for the First Day School classes, which meet on Sunday mornings at the same time as Meeting for Worship.


The spiritual work of our Meeting could not exist without the careful stewardship of the Meeting's finances. This work is carried out by our Financial Stewardship committee, which oversees the maintenance of the Meeting's beautiful Meeting House, grounds and burial grounds. Our Meeting is built on a strong financial foundation, buttressed by the continuing support of Members and Attenders, who contribute in many ways, both financial and with their time and talent.